Our Purpose

Our Mission Statement: We believe in inspiring and nurturing people spiritually by providing a fulfilling worship experience, a strong community, and a compassionate service to others in Northern, IL.

Why do we exist?

Because we believe life is best when we’re connected with God.

What do we do?

We make a difference in our community by building a welcoming, outwardly-focused congregation that helps generations of people connect with God.

How do we behave like Jesus?

We will be known by our love, integrity, hospitality, and flexibility.

We will choose to:

  • Value our neighbor’s needs and preferences over our own
  • Utilize innovative methods in all ministry areas
  • Communicate content that is relevant, impactful and Christ-Centered
  • Embrace the foundational power of Scripture

What does every Crosspointer do?

  1. Come to Church
  2. Grow into You
  3. Make a Difference

We will be known...

We will be known by our love, integrity, hospitality, and flexibility


We will love fiercely and fearlessly


We will Talk the Talk & Walk the Walk


We are called to serve others


We will remember that God’s will is greater than Our will, which is greater than my will.

God’s Will > Our Will > My Will

Our Beliefs

We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our pursuit of living out our faith in boldness and passion.